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Technical Illustration
Over the years I have done product Illustration work for many large corporations. Lexmark Printers, Dell Printers, Clark Forklifts, Panasonic Products, Sears Kenmore Products, Sargent & Greenleaf Safe Locks, Link-Belt Cranes and Excavators, Lockmasters Safe and Vault Equipment, also Antique Car and Parts Catalogs. Here on this page I have included just a few examples of those illustrations.
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Tin Man Assembly Guide

Please take a look at the Tin Man Assembly guide that I created. Just click here on Tin Man Instructions pdf to download and open the file.
16.5"X24" Pen and Ink on Mylar
This is a concept illustration that I did many years ago just for fun. I like the idea of the 3 wheeled car especially, it has a startlingly different, futuristic appearance.
What I had in mind here is to take the back half of a powerful motorcycle 4 or 6 cylinder (for an F1 sound) less front wheel, forks/handlebars. Weld that part of the motorcycle to a tube frame extending out the front with low inline seating for two. Then have two wheel suspension outboard in front. This would be the opposite configuration of the typical trike motorcycle.
Another part of this concept is that the car would have the ability to lean into the corners like a motorcycle through the use of hydraulic rams attached from the main frame to the steering axle up front. This leaning ability was the reason for the inline seating arrangement.
To enter and exit the car you would pop open the roof which is hinged over each seat from the front and the side window would roll down using a key fob remote. Then driver and passenger would simply step into the car and sit down. This configuration would maintain the structural integrity of the tube frame and add side protection for the occupants. Another benefit of this design is a very low Center of Gravity for exceptional handling.
An interesting note when I came up with this idea I had never seen anything like it. But in the many years since I have seen actual 3 wheeled cars in production that have great performance, with acceleration, speed, handling and fuel economy. Most have the 2 wheels in front and 1 in the rear setup. I have even seen a couple that lean into the turns.
I would still like to bring this concept to reality, I’m sure that it would be a total blast to drive.
What I had in mind here is to take the back half of a powerful motorcycle 4 or 6 cylinder (for an F1 sound) less front wheel, forks/handlebars. Weld that part of the motorcycle to a tube frame extending out the front with low inline seating for two. Then have two wheel suspension outboard in front. This would be the opposite configuration of the typical trike motorcycle.
Another part of this concept is that the car would have the ability to lean into the corners like a motorcycle through the use of hydraulic rams attached from the main frame to the steering axle up front. This leaning ability was the reason for the inline seating arrangement.
To enter and exit the car you would pop open the roof which is hinged over each seat from the front and the side window would roll down using a key fob remote. Then driver and passenger would simply step into the car and sit down. This configuration would maintain the structural integrity of the tube frame and add side protection for the occupants. Another benefit of this design is a very low Center of Gravity for exceptional handling.
An interesting note when I came up with this idea I had never seen anything like it. But in the many years since I have seen actual 3 wheeled cars in production that have great performance, with acceleration, speed, handling and fuel economy. Most have the 2 wheels in front and 1 in the rear setup. I have even seen a couple that lean into the turns.
I would still like to bring this concept to reality, I’m sure that it would be a total blast to drive.
Clark Material Handling Company
Lexmark International
Link-Belt Cranes and Excavators
Clark Material Handling Company
Lexmark International
Clark Material Handling Company
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